Thursday, July 12, 2012

Summer fun!

Alright, I have totally failed at this once a week posting again, but at least this time I have a good reason! In the end of May I found out that number 3 is on the way! Just kind of got caught up with all of that for a bit then the sickness started.We are SO excited to have a new little baby, Mia is ecstatic and asks a lot of really 'interesting' questions, but most of all just talks a lot about how she wants a baby brother and her baby will be so cute and tiny! She loves it. Lilly of course has no clue whats going on and couldn't care less.

Besides that, we've been trying to enjoy the summer as much as we can with lots of water toys and finding ways to keep the girls occupied. I've been feeling pretty crappy the last few weeks, so it hasn't been the easiest thing in the world, but makes me thankful it's not the middle of the winter so I can atleast just send them outside when they need to get out. We've been really in to making chalk paint, the girls LOVE it and it keeps them both busy long enough for me to get a little break in, which I love! 

Since I got sick I had to simplify a little bit to and kind of turn to the bare minimum in a lot of ways. I'm just tired and feeling really blah most of the time, and promised Jason the second things got to hard I'd do that. So sadly the first to go was our cute little puppy. The girls were sad to see her go and I actually miss having her around, but I am happy to say we found her an amazing home that she will LOVE. She will have a little doggy sister that is her breed and size and strangely enough when they picked her up, we found out both dogs had the same name. The owner was so cute and sweet and her dogs are her babies, so we know Roxy will be really pampered and loved.

Well, not the most exciting post,I'll try a little harder on the next one. There's been lots going on around here, some good some not so good, so I'm pretty pre occupied with it all lately. Mostly I just can't wait to see what our new little baby will look like and be like and see how my sweet girls react. Mia will be an amazing big sister again, Lilly hopefully won't try to kill the poor thing. I'm a little nervous,we'll have our hands full for sure.

1 comment:

  1. YAY for baby #3! Mia is SUCH a big girl!! and Lilly is a grubby cute little thing exactly like Lexie! Can't wait to get the two of them together. How do you make chalk paint??
