Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Love!

         Memorial weekend usually means more then a 3 day weekend around our house, it's Jason's birthday!! Or at least when we always celebrate it. May 26th Jason turned 28 years old and what a better way to spend your birthday then kid free! My parents agreed to a sleepover with the girls so we could take advantage of a much needed break. It was so nice to finally have a date night and just get to relax and enjoy a quiet house for a while, thats rare around here.

         Jason has been reminiscing about his paint balling days for as long as I  can remember, and a couple of weeks before his birthday I got an email about a deal to go for 1/2 price and finally gave in. Bought the passes so there was no turning back. The morning of Jason's birthday, we dropped off the girls and headed straight for the arena. Jason assured me  over and over again it didn't hurt that bad, and you rarely get hit anywhere but your face mask anyways. We got t here and met up with a group of his friends,  all boys, got geared up and headed in. First round was great, our team didn't get a single hit and won really quickly. Next round we were not so lucky. The teams were divided a little differently and I got my first few hits. First one from my wonderful loving husband right in the finger. It initially hurt but luckily the numbness set in quick and I couldn't really feel it anymore, just a little bleeding. Next round after a hit to the mask,I razed my hand and walked to the goal only to suddenly feel a sharp pain right under my arm on my back, I got my first welt. Even with all of that, it was really a lot of fun and I think I'd do it again.

        The paintballing ended with their birthday tradition, the birthday run. No idea how Jason's friends convinced him to do it, but he finally gave in. He put on his mask, went to one corner of the arena(gun free) while the rest of us lined up down the center. He was sent running to the other side and we were allowed to shoot freely. No biggy he only came out with about 19 welts. What better way to celebrate turning 28 then to get shot over and over again by your friends and your wife! We had a quick lunch with his friends then headed home to enjoy the quiet while we could.

          That night we headed off to one of your favorite restaurants, SetteBello. They have the BEST italian style pizza, I could eat it every day. So good! It was so nice to just have time we could actually relax and talk without being yelled at every 5 seconds to watch this or get that or clean up that. Happy Birthday to my wonderful amazing husband, I love you more then you could even know and more and more every day. You are the best thing in my world and I am so thankful for all that you do for me and for our girls. We love you!


  1. He shoulda had 28 welts! We used to go all the time when Bry worked for Bullwark...those are their company meetings. I suck at it and got all shot up and welted too :)
    Happy Birthday Jason!

  2. Glad to see that you're blogging again! I'm going to have to start checking in again so I don't miss anything!! :)
