Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A post a week

    I was recently reading a friends blog where she committed to a blog post a day, and while I think thats awesome, I know I won't stick to it that often, but because neither Jason or I are very good with journaling, I'm realizing how important it is to me to keep up with my blogging, so that somewhere we have a record of the things the girls are doing and what is going on in our lives. So I'm going to try something new and stick with it for as long as I can. At least once a week I'm going to write a post, a little update on our lives whats new, anything that seems worth remembering along with a picture of the girls from that last week. I am terrible at taking pictures and wish that I had more pictures of my girls before they started growing up. No matter how boring or short the post, I am realizing if i t's important to me it's worth it.

          I've been thinking a lot lately about what will change in our family when the time does come to add a new littler person to the mix. I have so many mixed emotions about it all. LOVE the thought of a new tiny little baby,  but I'm already loosing my mind with these two, how will I ever be able to handle more. How will I have time to make sure a new baby feels just as important and loved as the other two. How will Lilly, my sassy demanding little princess,  handle having a new little thing to share with and to take attention away from her. Another reason I'm starting to feel like it's so important I keep the best track of things now, Our house is getting more organized t hen ever, I try to spend as much time just playing with the girls as I can and make sure we're not forgetting any cute things that they do or say before I add even more chaos to the mix.

      There have been so many things that have made my life crazy lately, I'm glad that I've had some of this come to mind. To remind me what is important in my life and to focus on that rather then the relationships or things that I don't have. I've been letting so many things get to me that shouldn't. I have an amazing husband who does all he can for me and my girls. He goes to work every day all day to be sure that we have the things we need and want. He comes home and tries hard to make time for these 2 little girls that love him more then anything in the world. He gives up a lot of what he wants and needs to be able to provide things for these girls or things our family needs. He is always there for me when I need him and tries so hard to cheer me up when I'm down, no matter how ridiculous I am being. I have 2 amazing little girls that have their moments of being huge pains in the butt, but over all are adorable sweet loving girls who even on the hardest of days can always bring a smile to my face. They are such good girls, and I love that they are such good friends. Mia is the first thing Lilly looks for when she wakes up and stays right by her sisters side every second. Mia tries so hard to show Lilly how to do all the things big girls do, she wants to much for her sister to always be happy and having fun. I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.

       A friend told me once that your family are the main characters in your story, as long as that is happy and good, then there's nothing else to worry about. You'll get your happily ever after. Everything else is just a bonus. Every friendship, every trip, every toy everything is just something that can make it even better. Focus on your family and making that great and everyone happy and life is good.

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