Well after my last failed promise of being sure to keep up withe the blog from here on out, I will no longer make promises and just do what I can. Life is crazy, I know I'll forget it all and really should be better at keeping memories somewhere, now just to find the time. Here it goes, one crazy summary of what has happened in the last... 4?months or so since I last posted...
Lilly... where to begin. She turned 1 with a ladybug themed family party and loved tearing in to her cake, when she finds something she loves that girl can eat! Turning one also brought a new trampoline, sandbox, toys, movies and her new sassy little attitude. Quickly went from a few steps to running everywhere, climbing everything, and eating anything from sand to paper to rocks, anything. A few times of getting enough rocks in to make her throw up later, she isn't allowed to spend much time outside without constant close adult supervision. Soon this was all followed by a trip to AZ to see Nonna and spend some time with cute cousin Madi. She loved the pool, didn't care much about Madi, loved the sun and hated the drive home. That consisted of 3 puking kids, Grammy letting her jump out of the car, a gash on her head, a crying worried mom, angry phone calls from Dad, 9 hours later a stop at the doctor and 3 stitches, we finally got to take the poor baby home along with Mia who threw up way to many times to count in between. She is amazing at her temper tantrums and shows them off often, throwing herself on the ground screaming and crying and lately turns to biting, but only Mom when she can't get her way. She is now nearly 1 1/2, I have no idea how we got here from the day she was born, I miss my tiny girl, but I will say as much trouble as she is, she is the sweetest most cuddly little baby there is and she sure does love her Mom. A welcome change from little miss Mia who at that age was a Daddy's girl through and through. 

Mia in 4 months, not a whole lot has changed. She loved going to see her Nonna, didn't understand why we couldn't just bring baby Madi home with us, and hated coming back home from the trip to Arizona. She asks me weekly if it is her birthday next and insists that she have a pirate party with a Jack Sparrow cake. I was sure this pirate obsession would pass by now, boy was I wrong. She is still in love with Jack Sparrow and Davy Jones, chooses to watch the pirate movies or Megamind over any princess or girly movie, now has a huge obsession with toys from the Cars movie, and I have completely given up on her ever being a big girly girl, at least any time soon. She has 2 new good friends that moved in next door and I'm pretty sure she would live with them if she could. She is finally potty trained, fingers crossed it sticks this time. She is growing way to fast, She is way to smart and independent. She hates being told that someone is mad at her, and hates being in trouble. Phrase of choice lately has become 'don't talk mad at me, I don't like you to talk mad at me'. She genuinely wants people to like her and be happy with her and she does try hard to be good most of the time. I always thought before she would be my troublemaker and Lilly would be my sweet nice girl, but it is turning out to be quite the opposite. She still loves letters and is a pro at writting her name and getting very good at figuring out how to spell words by listening to the sounds. She is to smart for her own good and amazes me constantly with the things she says and does. 

Jason and I are still around and the same as always. Not much to report. Trying desperately to keep up with these 2 busy bodies, my house is always a mess no matter how often I clean it and I find having 2 way overly energetic girls is the best work out routine out there. They never ever stop. Jason is hard at his business still but always makes time for his girls and we love him for it. he does understand how I can be so tired all the time and I love to threaten him with being alone with these 2 for a couple of days and seeing how he handles it. Someday... Just trying one day at a time to survive the crazy life of motherhood, who knew it could be so fun and so difficult at the same time.
Lily is SO cute! I do NOT like hearing that she got an attitude when she turned one-uh oh.
ReplyDeleteMia-I LOVE her pirate obsession! SO funny! Don't give up on that girly girl thing yet...YOU were the biggest tomboy there ever was and look how you turned out.
Please blog more...i love it so my friend : )
oh and post pics from lily's party
They are both so cute. I love how mia's a tomboy...all this girly stuff is a bit overrated anyway. lol it's funny to try and imagine lily being a biting cuddler. It's crazy how you can just never be prepared for what a handful these little kids are gonna be..and I've just got the one so I can't even imagine how much crazier it is to have two.
ReplyDeleteOk such cute pictures!! And I agree with Katie-blog more!!