Alright, enough with my rant, not for a little catch up. It's been FAR to long. So much has changed. We were able to go to Arizona for Christmas and it was su
ch a good trip. Mia loves to spend time down there and see all of Jason's family. We love them all and miss them , it was so nice to spend that time. Also, there is nothing like a 70 degree Christmas. I am sorry, but all those songs about dreaming of a white Christmas are so so far off! It's all about being able to go out and play with your toys outside all day without layers and layers of clothes. Being able to walk to your friends house to see their load and walking back with them to see yours. Upholding family traditions of mini golf outdoors on Christmas day. I LOVE it and will never be ok with a freezing cold white Christmas.
Mia also turned 3 while we were there. I can't believe how big she is and how amazing she is. She is so full of spunk and love and giggles and oh so fun. She is so so smart and I just love seeing her soak up every bit of knowledge she can, especially when it comes
to letters. That girl loves her alphabet, loves to sing it, loves to write it and lately, even loves sounding out letters and figuring out what they say. She loves to wear her princess dresses, but even more, she LOVES to put on her pirate clothes and watch her very favorite, Captain Jack Sparrow. She started gymnastics in January, she has always been great at those kind of things and she is loving it. It is so fun and so so cute to watch her.

Then there's my sweet sweet baby. Oh she is my little heartbreaker... ok, maybe just because she's my baby and she's turning 1 next month! I can't believe it and I am so so not ready for her to grow up. She finally started crawling the right way in January and gets everywhere fast. She's up the stairs now too and takes a couple of steps here and there with a little tricking from her Dad. She has got such a fun little personality and it amazes me how different her and her sweet big sister are. They just love eachother and are great little play mates. I hate hate with a passion that she is growing up and getting bigger and love more then anything watching her learn and grow up. She is my sweet Momma's girl and I love it and will milk every second for all it's worth.

Overall, life is good. I still am so so very in love with my husband and feel so lucky to have him in my life every day. Jason is enjoying working and seeing where the company he co-founded will end up. Life is an adventure to say the least. We were able to go back to AZ in the end of January. Not for the best reason, but it was still so fun spending some time again with Jason's family and some of my very best friends. Can't wait for the weather to warm up and be able to get outside again. I am loving being a stay at home mom with my sweet girls and even if I get crazy burnt out from time to time, I feel so so thankful and blessed that I'm able to be with them through every milestone and watch them grow up first hand.
I LOVE Mia's pirate fetish. SO funny!! I ALWAYS read your blog...I wish you would write MORE!!
ReplyDeleteIt must have something to do with the memories you have of christmas growing up because the idea of sledding down the canyon after a good snow storm on christmas day sounds like about the most fun thing ever to me. But that's what I did growing up so I guess that makes sense.
ReplyDeleteThat's great that you've got Mia in gymnastics. She should be awesome at it. Oh and I like reading your blog too so the pressure's really on to keep up with it.
I fully agree with Katie!