Happy Holidays!!

Merry Christmas! Oh what a year, it has been a very busy one full of changes, mostly good. We hope that this Christmas season find you all healthy, happy and well. As the year comes to an end, we wanted to update everyone on the last year of our lives and all the changes that have occured in our little family. It has surely been a year of change, mostly good, with lots of fun in between!

Jason has spent the year working, both at his job and on the many ideas he comes up with. He has had lots of ups and downs at his job, and still seems to mostly enjoy it there. He works with a lot of great people who he really likes and who really seem to like having him there. He's also started a couple new side projects working with friends to reach his goal of retiring by 26. That time is quickly approaching and he is working hard to make every attempt to reach his goal. We'll see. We love every second we get with him at home and Mia has quickly become very selfish with her daddy. He is her daddy and no one elses, she is a daddies girl through and through.
I have spent the year at home with my sweet baby girl and love every minute of it. We were able to move in May to a bigger place, our 1st home! We love it and love our new neighborhood. I spend my free time redecorating and trying to get our house just how I want it. The house shopping process was a little overwhelming and one that we were glad to have over with. I've also been spending a lot of time with my mom and my sister and her kids this last year. It is so wonderful to have them close. Mia loves her cousin and I love being able to spend the time with my mom and sister. Beyond that, all my time is spent on my sweet baby girl who is grwoing up WAY to fast.
Mia will be turning 2 in a couple of weeks and has been in the 'terrible 2's' for quite a while now. She is such a smart girl and amazes me more and more every day. She loves to talk and is quite good at it, she gets better and better every day at communicating and putting sentances together. She is turning in to quite the little girly girl, she loves princesses and tinkerbell, loves putting on mom's makeup and loves helping mom cook all the time. Any princess or doll, other than the disney princesses, she calls princess Mia, including herself. She loves our new house and loves having so many friends her age in our ward. Nursery has never been hard for her, she loves to go and hates to leave, which has made church so much more pleasant. She is such a sweet girl, always sure to say 'please' , 'thank you' and 'bless you' at every chance she gets.

We also found out soon after moving to our new home, that we'll be expecting baby #2 in the start of this next year. We found out in the start of November that it'll be another little girl. I'm so excited for Mia to have a little friend and another little girl to cover in pink, and Jason's excited at the prospect of already having everything we need for a baby girl. We can't wait to see her and meet her and hope and pray things continue to go well with her. Mia is so excited and loves to talk to 'baby lilly by rubbing my belly and saying hi to her. She is so sweet to her already and thought she found her when she met my cousin's newborn daughter. She is so sweet with babies and will be a sweet big sister.

Beyond that we've just enjoyed spending all the time we can with each other, family and friends. We were lucky to be able to head down to Arizona in March to spend a week with Jason's family and some time with my for my older brothers wedding. We've also had Jason's family here to visit a few times and love the time for Mia to get to know them better. In September we were even able to take a vacation for a week up to Seattle to visit my brother and his cute family there. Mia loved spending time with her cousin's and we loved being shown around the city. It's so pretty and so fun there, we really enjoyed it.
We are looking forward to 2 weeks in AZ for Christmas and can't wait to spend some time there with friends and family we aren't able to see often. Mia is so excited for Christmas and loves to tell everyone about 'beautiful Christmas trees', sitting on santa's lap and getting candy, snowmen, and loves to carry her presents from room to room. She will be so fun this year once she figures out there's stuff inside those presents.
We hope you all have a wonderful holiday season full of joy and love. We feel so blessed this holiday season for everything that we have, for our beautiful home and our growing family. We thank the Lord every chance we get for the many blessings in our lives. We are so thankful for the Savior and the gospel and think of them even more at this time of the year. He is our source of hope and strength and I am so so thankful everyday for all that he has brought to my life. We love you all and wish you the best in the year to come. Happy Holidays!!
I LOVE your family! SO glad I get updates all year : ) and glad you guys are happy and healthy : )
ReplyDeleteLOVE you~!
You have done so much this year!!!