Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I know it's about time I finally got all of our pictures and everything up from our trip, considering we've been home for like 2 weeks now. Anyways, we were lucky enough to find a great flight and finally made it up to visit my brother Chris and his wife Melissa and kids for an entire week in the start of september. SO glad we finally did it! Seattle is beautiful and it was so nice to see everything there and hang out with the fam for a bit.

Day 1 I was a little sick, getting over a stomach flu from the night before, which I was glad we didn't pass to my brothers family. My older brother Jeremy and his wife Mitzie drove up for the day, they're living in Portland while my brother attends pharmacy school. We spent the day hanging out at my brothers house and ran out to this amazing lake, rattlesnake lake. It was so beautiful and fun to watch all the kids play and have fun with each other. Chris bought a canoe this summer, so it was fun to ride that out to a more secluded point of the lake where the kids had a little more freedom to run and play. The next day we went to this park about 5 mins away from my brothers house that was so fun! You just felt like you were in the middle of the forest, yet the second you walked out of the park, you realize you were basically in someones neighborhood, it was SO nice!

Day 3 Chris and Melissa took us on the water taxi over in to downtown Seattle area to see the waterfront stores and head over to Pikes market. The market was so fun! I was amazed at the amazing flowers and produce they had and for such cheap prices! So yummy. The shops up by the waterfront were tons of fun too, filled with strange things like handerpants or strange flavored mints, shrunken heads and tons of little 'fortune telling' machines and old things like that. It was fun just to walk around and see who could find the strangest things. We also made a stop at the famous 'gum wall' on our walk up to pikes market and got some really yummy seafood at Ivars. Best clam chowder, so so good!

the rest of the trip will come later...

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