Thursday, August 6, 2009

To tired to think of one...

Well, for those of you looking for a big family update or witty post to make you laugh, you've come to the wrong place. Just as the title says, I'm to tired to think of anything. But, exciting... oh this just may be it. We're on our way to baby #2. Or, to put it more simply, I'm pregnant. Just hit the 7 week mark and so far things are good with the baby and worse than I remember, ha. I have told Jason a few times now is the time to ask me if I want anymore kids because most of the time, my answer will be no. I had an appointment for blood work and basics on Monday and so far so good. Already got one prescription for the pleasantries of pregnancy, aka throwing up, and am moving on to a stronger in a couple of days. It's amazing how quickly we forget the awful constant car sick feeling once that sweet little baby is in our arms. I think this time I'll have to journal more or something to document how much I hate the process. Perhaps that'll keep the 'baby hungry' feelings at bay for a bit longer.

All that said, we're so excited to have another baby around. Mia's been so interested in babies lately and growing up way to fast. I think she'll make a great big sister and will LOVE to do all she can, probably more than she should, to help the baby. Already I have nightmares of finding Mia half way down the stairs carrying poor baby #2 as far as she can make it. She means well, but we'll have to watch her close for a while. She can already show people where mommy's baby is and when asked if she wants another baby, never says anything but her cutest little 'yeah'. I'm just thrilled to see her be a big sister. She is such a sweet girl and good to give me breaks when needed. So, thats our lives for now. If anyone has good suggestions for keeping hunger at bay besides crackers, yuck, bring on the ideas! Only a few more months of this, haha.


  1. how exciting. congrats on baby number 2. I have no suggestions, I was blessed with my little boy. I was never sick, and I'm not prego yet.

  2. I hope it only lasts a few months for you! I'm one of the "lucky" few who get to experience terrible sickness for the entire 9 months! Not fun!!! I've journaled A LOT...but I'm sure you're right that I'll forget it all once I'm holding my baby girl in my arms! Tips: watermelon, mashed potatoes, and yogurt covered pretzels (probably not all at once though!)

  3. Yuck, that sounds miserable! I had it til about 5 months with Mia then the last month 1/2, so I guess well see. Watermelon is a good tip, I should get some. I learned with Mia to eat the things that don't taste bad throwing up. fruit's pretty good for that. Thanks!

  4. lol, katie's post is exactly what i was going to write...:) I'm very happy for you guys, good luck!!!

  5. YAY!!! Im excited for you! Hopefully its a Boy!
